I don't quite know what I would do without eyeliner. I think my head would fall off, okay maybe a slight exaggeration but you catch my drift. I just think eyeliner can make or break a look and I'm here to help it make your look without having to raid your piggy bank. No matter what your preference, whether it be gel or pencil,...
I recently watched "About Time" which is an amazing film. Possibly one of my new favourite films and I strongly recommend that you all watch it. Anyway there was one particular line that stood out to me a lot and it involved the quote above. It just made think, and then made me really happy. BECAUSE IT'S TRUE! The background image was found...
Last Sunday my netball girlies and I took part in a local tournament that was held in the Copper Box. For those of you who don't know, the Copper Box is a multi sport venue that was used and made for the 2012 London Olympics and is located in the Olympic Park which is only down the road from me. It felt very...