
PR & Disclaimer

All the opinions and views on this blog are mine. When reviewing items and products I always give my honest opinion and I have never been sponsored to write a post. This is purely because I have never been approached by a PR company that offered a product I felt I would personally buy or use and I don't want to put anything onto my blog that would be a lie.

I  have previously worked at Lush but I would like to point out that all opinions shared on Ciara Sims are my own and do not belong to Lush. When reviewing products from Lush I am not influenced in any way by the fact that I have worked there.

I am a PR friendly blogger. If you are a company and would like me to review your product, you can contact me at anenglshrse@gmail.com and I will take it into consideration.
All items marked with an asterisk (*) are gifted items or PR samples. Posts including these items will be clearly marked at the bottom of the post.