Excuse the dirty bottle and chubby hand but the Rimmel London Lasting Finish Nail Varnish in 198 Azure (£2.99) has been my weapon of choice recently. I don't often wear nail varnish but when I do it is usually a shade of blue. I recently rediscovered Azure and instantly fell in love with it. It's a bright sky blue that reminds me of mermaids....
BB creams are a bit new to me but I really wanted to try wearing something lighter than foundation because I really don't like the way it sits heavily on my skin and I often feel like it doesn't allow my skin to breath and I will end up with loads of spots. (I stress too much I know). So I popped along...
My School Makeup Routine by ciara-cris One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six I'm nearly 3 weeks into my new school term so I thought I would share with you the products that I use on a day to day basis in my school makeup routine. What's your school beauty routine? Ciara x ...
Mascara is something that I don't ever leave the house without wearing. Even if I have no other makeup on, I feel like mascara makes me look presentable. I don't have tiny eyes but I just feel that I look so much better when I have mascara on as it brightens my eyes and makes them look bigger. I've tried a number of...
On a recent shopping trip to Urban Outfitters, I picked up the EOS Lemon Drop Lip Balm SPF 15 (£6). I tried to justify buying another lip product with the fact that its easy to carry around in my blazer for school. However to be honest I only wanted it because yellow is my new favourite colour and I love lemon scented things....
With my birthday coming in 6 days (not that I'm counting) I thought I would share with you my birthday wish list. Now these aren't things that I am expecting to receive. I haven't actually asked for anything from my family as they are throwing me a party (excitement). Really these are just things that if I get some birthday money I will be...
I start back at school today. My first day of year 11 and it is killing me. I dread going back to school after summer and this year its even worse. I don't struggle at school but I'm often referred to as "the thick one" in my group of friends and it always surprises them whenever I get a good grade or know how to...
I'm a greedy little thing. I always have been. I've been baking with my mum since I was little. I guess my interest in baking only really started because I would jump at any opportunity to lick chocolate off a spoon or nick chunks while my mum was busy chopping them up. I just love to eat. Millionaire Shortbread is something that my mum and I have been eating...