
Wake Me Up When September Ends

Monday, September 28, 2015
This year is absolutely flying by. It seems like yesterday that I was having my 16th birthday party and now I'm 17, learning to drive and have a job. A lot can change in a year, and usually I hate change and try to avoid it wherever I can, but I think the changes this year have done me good and I might...

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My September Face - School Appropriate Makeup

Saturday, September 26, 2015
I never used to wear makeup to school, but now that I'm in sixth form and I can wear my own clothes I think having my makeup done just pulls everything together nicely. The makeup I've been wearing recently has been quite natural, not because I have to do that for sixth form, but because I don't have a lot of time in...

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How I Find Inspiration

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
We all have days when we are in need of a little bit of inspiration and even if we don't need it, it's nice to be surrounded by stunning images and breath taking quotes. Here's how I keep inspired. Tumblr is my inspiration station. I love it so much and I wish the mobile app showed the blogs how they really look on...

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Budget Beauty - My Top 10 Under £10

Sunday, September 20, 2015
I am a huge lover of high-street beauty. I won't lie, not everything I own is from the high-street and I do love saving up for products or getting something high-end for my birthday. There is something really special about it and high-end packaging is to die for. But I am against things being way too overpriced and there are so many brilliant...

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New Find - Nyx Powder Blush In Mauve

Saturday, September 19, 2015
It always annoys me when I see a blog post or YouTube video raving about Nyx products because it's quite hard to get hold of them here in the UK. But when I was over visiting my grannie in Ireland, they had a Nyx stand in her local chemist and so I couldn't resist picking something up to try. After a lot of swatching...

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Ultimate Beauty Wish List

Thursday, September 10, 2015
It's my birthday tomorrow and I haven't asked for anything this year. I don't know why, but whenever someone asked me "What would you like?" I couldn't think of anything! However, I always have a little beauty wish list going and it is filled with products that are way too expensive and hurt my purse just to think about. But I still like to think...

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Ecotools Retractable Kabuki

Wednesday, September 02, 2015
I've had the Ecotools Retractable Kabuki brush (£12.99) for a long while now and I've been meaning to talk about it since the first time I used it, because this is just my favourite brush ever. If you're on the lookout for the perfect bronzing brush, or a brush that you can carry about with you without making loads of mess, then this is it. First...

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