
Malin + Goetz Set Review

Saturday, August 30, 2014
Malin + Goetz is a brand that I had actually never heard of until the August issue of ELLE came with a free little travel set by said brand. So I did a spot of googling, came across their website and found out that they are a brand who make products all from natural ingredients with sensitive skin in mind. The company is based in New...

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Soap & Glory The Righteous Butter Review

Thursday, August 28, 2014
Soap & Glory is a brand that I have been using for a while now and this is the product that kick started my addiction. Soap & Glory The Righteous Butter (£10.50) is an award winning body butter with softening Shea butter and Aloe Vera. Soap & Glory also describe it as "a body moisturising formula so virtuous, you might swear you're wearing velvet". Although...

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All Gone - Products I've Used Up

Friday, August 22, 2014
I've recently come to the end of a few products. There have been some hits and some misses and I didn't really think these products were worthy of their own full reviews. So here's what's going on inside my bin.   Naked Heat Defender I think I may have just found my new favourite brand. Naked is a hair care brand that uses...

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Superdry Neon Perfume Set

Sunday, August 17, 2014
Last Christmas my boyfriend kindly gifted me the *Superdry Neon Perfume Set. The set contains 4 different 25ml perfumes designed to suit any situation and are perfect for chucking into a handbag.   Lets start with the packaging. It's not very girly at all which I love. It's designed more to appeal to the tomboy in every woman out there. I personally love the design and...

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Robin Williams - A Tribute

Friday, August 15, 2014
Rest in peace Robin Williams. The world has lost one of its greats. You will truly be missed.         Robin Williams image found here. ...

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Since I was a toddler I have dreamed of flying over the Earth, up among the stars and straight to the moon. When I first saw pictures of the first moon landings I was fascinated and extremely jealous. There's so much to explore out there and the wonders of space still amaze me to this day. So when I found out that there...

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Top 10 Art Accounts On Instagram

Monday, August 11, 2014
I was flicking through who I'm following on Instagram the other day and I realised that I'm following a fair few art accounts. I really do love to draw, although I'm not amazing, I would say I'm fairly creative so I'm always on the look out for inspiration. Here are my 10 most favourite art accounts that I follow for endless inspiration:   LOVELIMZY -...

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Rimmel London Stay Matte Pressed Powder

Saturday, August 09, 2014
I don't know what it has been like where you are, but us Londoners have been graced with gorgeous weather. Amazing huh? We've actually got a summer that looks like summer! Oh the summer, hair gets lighter, skin gets darker and, unless you're extremely lucky, skin gets oilier. Now while those first two are fab, the third isn't so fun.   No matter...

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Throwback Thursday - Heathers

Thursday, August 07, 2014
Throwback Thursday - Heathers by ciara-cris It's been 25 years since the birth of Heathers and with the musical only coming off Broadway a couple of days ago, I think this weeks Throwback Thursday should be a fashion tribute to Heathers. Heathers is an 80's cult classic starring Winona Ryder as regular girl, Veronica Sawyer, who tries to survive school by sticking to...

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Top 10 Songs for Summer

Tuesday, August 05, 2014
I absolutely lurveee music. I'm always listening to it and it's so rare to find me without my IPod on full blast and while my music taste may not appeal to everybody, I thought I would share with you my top 10 songs for this summer.   This playlist was created on 8Tracks. 8Tracks is an internet radio where you can sign up for...

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A Very Hairy Situation

Friday, August 01, 2014
So I went for a leg wax today and laying on the beauticians table while she ripped the hair off my legs and I tried not to scream or cry (which was very hard) got me thinking. Which very quickly turned into a rant to my friend which she wasn't really too interested in. So I thought I would tell you guys.   I don't know about you,...

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