
Latest Love - Mac Soft & Gentle

Sunday, October 18, 2015

I've been meaning to write this post for a while now, but lately I've just had zero motivation for anything. I've been feeling quite low and all I've really wanted to do is stay in bed, so blogging has been at the very back of my mind I'm afraid. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago now I went up to Covent Garden with Lauren from Cupcakes & Candyfloss and we spent the day drooling over all the gorgeous beauty bits that they have up there. Now I didn't do as much spending as Lauren did but I couldn't leave without picking up something. I'd been eyeing up Mac's Mineralize Skinfinish in Soft & Gentle (£24) for a while so I bit the bullet and finally picked one up for myself.

This is probably my favourite beauty purchase in a long long while. It is absolutely gorgeous and worthy of the price tag. Mac's Mineralize Skinfinishes are baked face powders that can be used as a highlighter or lightly dusted over the entire face for a luminous glow. Soft & Gentle is the only Mineralize Skinfinish that I have, but I did swatch them all in the shop and I think they are far too glittery to be applied to the whole face, but that's just me. If you are one of those people that manages to pull of having Soft & Gentle all over your face then please let me know how you do it!

As a highlighter however, this is the only product you will ever need. Soft & Gentle is a lovely peachy champagne shade with tiny flecks of gold. It is a warm toned highlighter, but trust me that this shade is universal. Soft & Gentle looks amazing on everybody I have ever seen wear it. I am very fair skinned and so usually use a pearly pink shade like *Benefit's High Beam as a highlight, but Soft & Gentle has pushed that aside massively. Soft & Gentle gives you that gorgeous lit from within summer glow that I'm still not quite ready to give up on.

It is glittery, I won't lie to you there. But there is a balance. On the skin the glitter blends easily to create a luminous sheen to the tops of your cheek bones, and it doesn't fall out around the rest of your face. I love glitter and don't have a problem with it at all, but there are times when I don't want to look like a disco ball.

The wear time on this stuff is amazing, so there's no need to carry it around with you for touch ups. Also because only the smallest bit is needed, I don't think I'll be hitting pan anytime soon. Soft & Gentle is such a cult product and I can really see why! This product is so worth the hype and you all need to stick it on your Christmas lists (it's not too early for them yet is it?) if you don't have it already!

Don't forget to check out Lauren's haul!

Ciara x

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*This post mentions items which were gifted to me. Full disclaimer.

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  1. Yay! I'm so glad you've uploaded this post (finally ;)) I'm so happy you love soft and gentle as much as I do! And 😍 I love your marble background xx

    1. Thank you! I know, it took me way too long to get around to it! xx

  2. This looks gorgeous! I love MAC products, so I'll definitely need to try this one out!

    xo, Liz

    1. You must! It's so beautiful, let me know what you think if you try it out! xx

  3. Soft & Gentle is such a well known highlighter and it's clear why, it's so pretty! I find myself running to this one the most as its just so lovely and glowy.

    alice x // beautybyalicee

    1. It's definitely worth the hype, I agree with you Alice it really is glowy! x

  4. I love Soft & Gentle. Has been my favorite highlighter for a while now. You choose well :)
    I haven't been feeling motivated in the slightest for a while now so I understand what you mean. Have a nice day :) x

    1. Thank you :) I'm glad I'm not alone! Hopefully I'll get myself in gear soon, hope you have a nice day too :) xx


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