
Ciaté Cream Soda Review

Friday, January 30, 2015

At the moment I've been really loving minimalist nails. I think there is something so elegant about them and less really is more. *Ciaté Cream Soda (£9) is the perfect colour for a minimal mani. This subtle cream grey is soft and super wearable. It is really understated and classy.

This one is quite sheer. I applied 3 coats but I think that really 2 was enough to make it opaque. Even though I applied quite generous coats, the polish still dried super quickly and wasn't streaky at all. Great for me as I just can't seem to manage to sit still long enough for my nails to dry! It doesn't chip easily either. Win Win.

I think this colour is so lovely as a quick wash of colour but would also look really nice used in a lovely piece of nail art. If only I had the talent!

What nail trends are you loving at the moment?

Ciara x

*This post contains items which were gifted to me. Full disclaimer.

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