
Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray Review

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

As I have said on numerous occasions, I long to have been born with gorgeous, voluminous, uncontrollable curly locks when instead I have flat hair that cannot make up its mind and doesn't do as it is told. On a recent search for the miracle product that will bring me such gorgeous waves, I found the Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray (£7). I was really excited to try this out as I've heard quite a lot about it but never managed to get my hands on any of the products from the brand.

When I first tried it out I was hugely disappointed. I expected far too much from this product and believed that a few spritzes and scrunches were going to leave me looking like a mermaid. In reality I ended up with a knotty mess. Yes it gave me loads of texture, but there weren't any waves in sight. If you're looking for a quick and easy spray to give you some waves then I really recommend the Aussi Dual Personality Texturizing and Conditioning Gel Spray. However, when I sprayed it in my hair before plaiting or curling it, I did notice that the curls were more defined and lasted so much longer. Not Your Mother's recommended using the spray on damp hair, but I think it is fine to be used on dry hair if you are in a hurry, just use sparingly otherwise you will end up with knotty, crispy hair.

The spray contains dead sea salt and sea kelp which unfortunately leaves the spray with not the most pleasant of smells and the salt does have a tendency to build up on the nozzle. However, I love the design of the bottle and think it is so cute.

Not a huge love for me really, I expected a lot more and was let down. Although, it does provide me with lots of texture, perfect for big hair on a night out.

Have you tried any products from Not Your Mother's before? What did you think?

Ciara x

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