
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - 2014 Favourites

Thursday, January 01, 2015


Wow can you believe we are into a new year already? 2014 was one hell of a year for me, filled to the brim with ups and downs. Over the year I fell in and out of love with a lot of things so here is what I was loving in 2014. (The bits I can remember anyway!)

L'Oreal Nude Magique Eau De Teint Foundation (£9.99). This has been my go to base ever since I discovered it. I know that was only in October but I didn't really wear foundation before that and I have used it so much since then so I'm going to let that count! I wont talk too much about this as I have done a full review, but this is the lightest foundation I think you will ever find. It is literally like water and just blends into the skin so you don't even feel like you are wearing anything. It also contains an SPF. Perfect. Although the shade range isn't amazing, I managed to find the perfect shade for me. It is definitely worth a look if you are on the paler side like me.

*Superdry Neon Orange Perfume (£35). I've loved this perfume ever since I got it for Christmas 2013. I wore it on and off for the whole of 2014 and whenever I wore it after a break of not wearing it, I couldn't remember why I had stopped. I did a full review of *Neon Orange and all the other *Superdry Neon fragrances back in August so I wont bang on too much but this perfume is beautiful. It's citrusy but also contains musks which makes it really versatile and easy to wear all year round. A firm favourite of mine and I will be so sad when this runs out.

The Kaiser Chiefs. I have always loved the Kaiser Chiefs. I think they are amazing. They released a new album this year - Education, Education, Education and War (£5) and I have had it on repeat ever since. It really is my favourite album from anybody in a long time. It is very rare that I like every song on an album but this one is just perfect. My favourite songs are The Factory Gates, Misery Company, Ruffians On Parade, and My Life. Seriously, go and give them a listen if you haven't done already.

Skins. I think it is safe to say that I am addicted to Skins. I mentioned Skins back in my September favourites post and since then I have managed to complete series 3 and 4. I've already watched Skins before but this year I decided it was time for me to have another little watch. I've fallen in love with Skins and all the characters all over again and it is a show that I would recommend to everybody. It is so raw and real. You can watch all the episodes of Skins on 4OD.

White Converse All Star Low (£44.99). I think these have been my favourite purchase EVER. They are so easy to wear, comfortable and they go with just about everything. I've worn these with jogging bottoms on quick runs to the shop, with jeans around town and even with dresses to parties. They have become my footwear staple and since buying them my other shoes haven't really had much of a look in. Yes they are white and get dirty easily but you can bung them in the washing machine and they look nearly as good as new. Perfect.

Eyeko London Skinny Liquid Eyeliner in Black (£12). This stuff is amazing. I actually got this from a magazine but Eyeko was a brand that I really wanted to try out. I spoke about this in my Black Eyeliner On A Budget post and I honestly love it so much. I wont ramble on too much as I have actually given it a full review. All I will say is this: If you think you are bad at eyeliner, then get your hands on this bad boy because it will just make your life so much easier. Two swipes and you're done. Sorted.

So that's what I was loving in 2014. What were your favourite things in 2014?

Ciara x

*This post contains items which were gifted to me. Full disclaimer.

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  1. Hey! I've tagged you to answer some questions for the new year :) I hope you don't mind!



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