10 Things I'm Looking Forward To This Summer

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I'll be honest, Summer isn't actually my favourite season. In general I find it too hot, too sticky and too uncomfortable (I'm fair skinned and the grass gives me rashes). But this summer is different. I'm counting down the days until Summer 2015 rolls around and I am going to make the most of it. I've been a little down in the dumps recently what with school and everything so I thought I would make a little list of all the things I'm looking forward to, to keep me going.

1. Long summer nights
2. No school/exams/homework/uniform
3. Barbeques
4. No longer have to lug around a heavy coat
5. Ice cream vans
6. Day trips
7. Shorts
8. V Festival
9. Spending time with friends and family and not having to do anything in particular
10. Sunflowers

What you looking forward to this summer?

Ciara x

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