Soap & Glory Hand Food Review

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Soap and Glory Hand Food Review
I recently got back from a sports trip as part of my GCSE PE course and the week was filled to the brim with climbing, archery and orienteering in the freezing cold wind and even snow. All the activities and the Baltic weather have taken their toll on my poor hands and left them feeling a bit worse for wear. They're so dry and sore. The only thing that has managed to rescue them and get them back to normal is the *Soap & Glory Hand Food Hydrating Hand Cream (£2.50).

*Hand Food contains shea butter, macadamia oil and marshmallow which makes it thick and extremely moisturising but non greasy. It leaves your hands feeling so smooth for a long time and it smells amazing, as do all Soap & Glory products. I have never ever had a Soap & Glory product that I haven't loved, I think my favourite products of theirs are the Righteous Butter and Clean On Me Shower Gel. I love Soap & Glory's names and packaging and think they are a fabulous budget brand.

I love this travel size of *Soap & Glory Hand Food as it is the perfect size to shove in a handbag and go but you get a decent amount of product that lasts a long time. If you're in need of some hand loving then you seriously need to get your self down to boots and pick yourself up a tube of this bad boy.

What is your favourite hand cream?

Ciara x

*This product contains items which were gifted to me. Full disclaimer.

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  1. Hand Food is my absolute favourite hand cream :) I often find a lot of hand creams to be way too greasy and some of them actually dry my skin out even more (damn you sensitive skin)! But S&G seem to have mastered my skin type. Their body butter is amazing too :)

    1. I know exactly what you mean Claire! I've got sensitive skin too and some hand creams are just so drying and they make the problem ten times worse! Soap and Glory is a brand that just can't go wrong, everything smells gorgeous x


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